FREE Daily Card Reading
Our gift from us to you… A free angel card reading
Hover on a card below to reveal your daily guidance from Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine’s “Angel Tarot Cards”. Card Deck is available for purchase from our store. For a detailed reading please visit our readings page where our readers are available to assist you.
With Love and Angel Blessings
Three of Earth
The situation your enquiring about can succeed, with hard work and good planning. You may receive recognition or an award for your great talents and skills. Focus upon work that involves your passion, and carry it out to the best of your abilities. Your creativity is highly rewarded.
You may join a group or organization. Its important to be a team player and cooperate with others on this project.Additional meanings – Creating something beautiful or high quality. Moving up in your career. Teaching others a skill. Being an artist.
Nine of Air
Positive thinking is essential right now. Your own obsessive, negative thoughts are the true culprits behind the trouble you fear. Release your guilt, and realize that regret is a wasted emotion. Turn your attention to the amazing possibilities for the future, and leave the past behind.
If your having unpleasant dreams at this time, write them in a journal, bless them for their desire to inform you, and then send them to the angels. If depression is an issue, encourage those affected to seek professional counseling.
Additional meanings – sleeplessness. Racing thoughts. Expecting the worst. Self fulfilling prophecies. Worry. Stress related illness.1 The Magician - Archangel Raziel
This card signals that its the right time to begin new projects. If you had any doubts about your ability to manifest your dreams, leave them behind. In fact, the more self-confidence you have, the more success you experience. Fortunately, the angels can boost your inner strength if you’ll call upon them for help.
Although you may not feel ready to move forward upon your path, you’re actually more prepared than you realize. Your life experiences have trained you for this moment, and the opportunities available to you at this time are magical. Its not necessary to take an more classes or read any more books, which would only delay you from walking through the door that’s presently open for you. Take focused action with respect to any plans you may have been preparing for.
Additional meanings – no more procrastination. Magical occurrences. Concentrated efforts. Unexpected resources.
Two of Fire
This is a time of coming into your own. The steps you’re taking to improve your career or business are on the right track. As you move forward, courageous choices are necessary and will be rewarded. Continue forging ahead, and don’t be discouraged by temporary delays. Also, don’t allow anyone to hinder your progress. Consider working in partnership with those whose skills complement your own. Joint endeavors can help you achieve your goals. Negotiations move smoothly at this time.
Additional meanings – excellent foresight, hope for the future, contracts and business agreements, great potential and controlled progress.5 Unity - Archangel Sandalphon
Working in groups enriches you right now. You drew this card because it’s time for you to expand your circle of friends or join a group. For example, you may want to enroll in school or become part of a spiritual organization. This is also an optimal time to make friends with supportive new people who have integrity and strong moral compass.
It’s also time to question and review any rules, restrictions, or limited beliefs that have been placed around your current situation to make that they’re fair to everyone involved. This can lift any previous blocks to the manifestation of your goals.Additional meanings – experts or mentors. The search for meaning in life. Having faith in a group of people. Schools and spiritual institutions.
6 The Lovers - Archangel Raphael
This card signals that a significant relationship is on your mind. It may be romantic in nature, or it may be an intimate but platonic friendship. Communication is key right now, and its important to develop trust within the relationship. You can safely share your feelings with someone close to you.
Its also time to make an important decision about your life. The conclusions you reach now greatly influence your future, so it’s important to weigh your options carefully. Make sure your choices are thoroughly considered and that you’re able to upon them.
Additional Meanings- the need for balance. A return to good health. Marriage and weddings
Four of Air
It’s time to rest. Take a vacation or just create time to regroup and rejuvenate. Retreat from the world and any stress or concerns. If you’ve been ill, focus upon healing and don’t rush back into action.
You need some time alone. This situation requires significant reflection on your part. Meditation may provide the answers you seek If you’ve exhausted all intellectual possibilities for a solution.Additional meanings – The need for more sleep. Allowing time before making a choice. The end of a stressful period. Feeling mentally exhausted
8 Justice - Archangel Raguel
This card comes to you because you’re trying to make a decision. The angels guide you to wise and carefully considered decisions, with fairness extended toward everyone involved including yourself. If you can’t be objective in this matter, seek out someone who can act as an arbitrator.
This card also means that a decision will be made in in your favor. If you’re currently in a legal dispute, it will turn out positively for you. Furthermore, its important to thoroughly review legal documents or contracts before signing them.
Additional meanings – doing whats right. Taking responsibility for your actions. Resisting injustice. Standing up for your beliefs. Issuing or accepting an apology.
9 The Hermit Archangel Raziel
This card signals that you’d benefit from spending time alone, listening to your inner voice. Meditation is essential, as the path to enlightenment is an inner journey. Be silent and experience the joy that comes from seeking the truth of your own heart. Learn to feel comfortable in your own company. After all, there’s a difference between being alone and being lonely.
This card also signifies spiritual teaching, so it can mean that you have wisdom to impart to others, or that perhaps its time for you to find a spiritual teacher. Sharing wisdom is part of your spiritual journey, especially right now.
Additional meanings – Good advice. Finding or becoming a mentor. Self-discovery. Reevaluation of plans. Going on a spiritual quest.
12 Awakening - Arhcangel Gabriel
Its time to review your plans, according to this card, and look at things from a new perspective. Ask yourself is it possible that a different approach would work better? Although it may feel like events have come to a standstill, this is temporary. So make use of the extra time you’ve been give to rethink your strategies.
You may need to step outside of the norm and the mainstream right now and embrace your unique and eclectic beliefs or attitudes. Its also a good moment to be generous with your time, attention and gifts. This tithing is returned by the universe manyfold to you!
Additional meanings – Epiphanies,selflessnesss, unexpected life changes. The need for patience. The power that lies in being oneself. Unusual solutions.
15 Ego - Archangel Jophiel
The angels want you to know that the entrapment your feeling isn’t real. This card indicates that a lot of your feelings are stemming from anxieties that aren’t based in reality. So give up your fears to God and the angels, and ask them for their help in adopting a more positive perspective on this situation.
This card also indicates that your’e focused upon material things in life. Heaven acknowledges that you, like everyone, have physical needs. However your attention to the accumulation of possessions is out of balance. Reassess why you want to acquire these items. Perhaps your trying to fill an emotional void, which material objects could never do. What your really craving is inner peace through a spiritual path.Additional meanings – refusal to face the truth or take responsibility for the situation. Addictions. Temptations. Dependency. Excessive debt.
18 The Moon - Archangel Haniel
Everyone experiences times in our lives when they’re afraid or insecure. Sometimes these fears are based on external factors you can see, and some times worries stem from irrational or unreal concerns. In both cases its important as to what to do next. Ask your inner self about the source of your anxiety, and trust your guidance. The angels sent you this card because this is a time of powerful intuition and psychic ability. However, your greatest insights will be about yourself. Embrace the period of self-awareness to overcome past blocks that have held you back. Awaken to truths about yourself that you’ve kept hidden, and see your brilliant light.
Additional meanings – Paying attention to your dreams. Unseen events that are affecting you. Illussions.
20 Renewal - Archangel Jeremial
The angels sent you this card because you’re either near the end of a project or at a crossroads, on the threshold of making an important change. This card signifies that it’s time to review and do some evalutation. Make thoughtful judgments regarding your life, and then make confident choices.
Rest easy, knowing that you’ve prepared well. Legal situations are resolved favourably for you. In addition, academic examinations and certification tests go well.
Additional meanings – a landmark decision. A career or job change. Moving in a different direction. A new beginning.
Page of Fire
An exciting new opportunity comes your way! The angels guide you to wholeheartedly embrace this new endeavor. It may seem like a challenge, but its one you’re ready for. Dazzle people with your originality and ingenuity!
This card can also represent a youth who’s outgoing, creative and passionate about life. Someone who enthusiastically seeks out new experiences and can make things happen. Optimistic. Confident. Courageous. Exhilarating, Busy and Mischievous.
Additional meanings – good news, a creative project and believing in yourselfEight of Fire
Hold on tight because things now move into high gear. Past delays are over, and your plans manifest with swiftness and energy. You may feel caught off guard as frenzied activities take over. Its exhilarating and a little overwhelming, but it feels good to see your dreams coming true.
Suddenly you have a lot of things going on, so stay grounded. Your messages are received positively right now. Embrace the spotlight.
Additional meanings – Receiving needed information. Inspiration. Sudden travel. An unexpected level of success.Eight of Water
You’re feeling the need to move on. What once interested you has lost its charm and your seeking more meaning and rewards. You’ve grown spiritually and emotionally and you yearn to leave the past behind. These changes will bring the benefits you desire. The inward search for answers is rewarded at this time. Don’t let anything distract you from your true path.If you feel a void in your life fill it in healthy ways. A relocation or change in your job is possible at this time.
Additional meanings – choosing to leave a painful situation, emptiness, the search for spiritual fulfillment, dealing with feelings of burnout.Five of Air
The situation hasn’t worked out the way you’d hoped, but you can try again. Your power lies not in how all the chips fall, but in how you handle yourself moving forward. You may now feel that the cost of the venture is too high. Carefully evaluate the way events have transpired in order to gain valuable lessons for your future.
Someone in the situation isn’t coming from a place of integrity. The desire to win is so strong that this individual will ignore others needs. Review everyone’s motives (including your own) and do what you can to foster a win-win resolution.
Additional meanings – Unwise choices. A desire for revenge. Thinking only of oneself. Gloating
Five of Fire
Your’e experiencing some challenges. Other people around you hold different goals and values, and there’s disagreement as to how to proceed, along with a clash of wills. Success is still possible, but it takes great effort. You may enjoy this type of challenge, or it may exhaust you. This is a competitive situation. It will be necessary for everyone to try and understand one another’s viewpoint. There’s a need for clarity in order to come to a resolution.
Additional meanings – Athletic competitions. Nuisances. The need to set priorities. Being caught in the middle. Bothersome details.
Five of Water
Things may not have turned out the way you expected. Be careful not to focus too much on the negative, as there’s a positive in every situation. You may be missing the silver lining. Fighting or trying to ignore change doesn’t serve you. Instead, have faith that everything happens for a reason. It’s healthy to grieve what has been lost and take the time to heal. Reach out to friends and wise counselors for support and comfort.
Additional meanings – Sadness. The end of a relationship. Wishing you could change the past. Obsession. Crying over spilled milk
21 The World - Arhcangel Michael
The angels sent you this card because you’ve happily completed something of great importance. They’re congratulating you on a job well done. You’re now ready to move on to something new. Enjoy your feelings of wholeness and completion, and give yourself a poat on the back for your amazing accomplishments!
You’ve grown spiritually and have evolved to a whole new level in your understanding of the Universe. You’ve experienced significant enlightenment and have expanded your consciousness of how to attain joy and contentment. You feel a great sense of gratitude.Additional Meanings – Perfection. A move to the next level. Receiving an award. A new house or job. Complete clarity. Cosmic Awareness. Recognition for the use of your talents. Freedom.
Four of Water
It’s time to re-evaluate your situation, because you’re currently missing an opportunity. The solution you are seeking is right in front of your face. Fortunately, positive forces are working to assist you now. Open your eyes to the possibilities and accept the help that’s being offered to you.
However, you may be distracted or feel emotionally trapped. It’s possible that by focusing on what you don’t have, you’re taking for granted the good things that you do have.Additional Meanings – Discontentment. Apathy. Daydreaming. Getting lost in your own little world. Something missing. Boredom
King of Air
You may receive valuable advice from an intelligent professional. Please let your decisions be fair to all involved. Don’t hesitate to consult a third party if you need to and speak our mind with confidence.
This card also speaks about a person who is at their top of their field, particularly in the areas of law, science or business. This person may also be an excellent speaker, and is professional, balanced and motivational.
Following on from this card Archangel Michael asks you to release the past. You will grow from this situation. Time heals all wounds. Ask your angels, guides or friends for assistance. Time truly does heal all wounds but its up to you to release.King of Fire
Focus,focus focus, and full steam ahead! Devote your energy and time to the task at hand. You’re in a position of leadership, and you inspire others with your enthusiasm. You may also receive advice from someone who excels at creative solutions.
Additional meanings – an entrepreneurial venture. Speaking in front of a group. The courage of ones convictions. Making a difference.
Knight of Earth
Its time to get things done! Leave the planning stage behind and take action. Honour your promises and commitments. Attend to the details and be thorough.
This card can also mean a person who you can expect to be loyal, dedicated and dependable. A well-trained person who does an excellent job over time. A nature and animal lover who may be a vegetarian. Detail oriented. Diligent. Thoughtful. Honourable and Kind.
Additional meanings – renewed motivation. Increased abundance. Business travel. A guardian angel.
Knight of Water
Deep emotions arising from situations or relationships may impact your life. Falling in love or a wedding proposal is possible. You (or someone close to you) need to balance your emotions, lest you become overwhelmed. You may receive invitations to parties or other social opportunities.
This card can also indicate an extremely emotional person who’s driven by a love of romance, art, and beauty. Someone who is charming, contemplative, and idealistic. Sensitive. Romantic, Imaginative. Enthusiastic, Refined. Moody.
Additional meanings – someone you can talk to. A dreamer. A flirt. Past life connections. Melodrama16 Life Experience - Archangel Chamuel
You drew this card because a recent event has been a wake up call for you to make some life changes. This may be a new revelation or something you’ve known but have been procrastinating about. Now you realized the situation can’t be ignored and action is necessary.
This is a moment of both freedom and awakening. The way you see yourself and the world has forever changed, bringing you growth and encouraging you to spread your wings. Allows these new insights to motivate you to embrace the path of your true hearts desires.
Additional meanings – liberation, suddenly seeing the truth, rapid, inevitable change, time running out10 The Wheel - Archangel Michael
The angels sent you this card because of positive changes occurring in your life. Expect and enjoy beneficial new opportunities as they present themselves. This is an optimal time to make big and small changes. Take the leap with the knowledge that everything will work well for you.
Old blocks are lifting, and everything now moves forward quickly. If recent events shook your faith, you’ll now see how they were actually positive for you. Rapid advancement is likely now.
Additional meanings – goodluck. A happy accident. Balanced karma. A miracle. A twist of fate. Destiny
Nine of Water
Your wishes come true! That which you’ve prayed for finally manifests. Your concerns should now fade as your efforts are rewarded. Financial hopes are currently realized. Good fortune follows you!
The simple pleasures in life abound. Luxury and material comforts come to you. You’re surrounded by beauty, happiness and contentment.
Additional Meanings – love of life, pleasure, freedom. Things working out the way you’d hoped. Self-satisfactionThree of Fire
Congratulations! This is your golden time of success and celebration. However its not the moment to rest. You need to keep going with the next project. So step back and review all that you’ve done and then create a blueprint for the future. You need to look at things with an eye for the long term. You probably feel good about how far you’ve come, but no resting on your laurels! Its important to keep the fire and enthusiasm. Patience may be required while you await results from previous decisions. Use this time to explore the possibilities for how to promote your business or talents.
Additional meanings – Managing people. A thriving business. Self Satisfaction. Seeking wise counsel. Taking an important job. Business travelPage of Air
You’ll likely receive new information that presents a challenge or delays. The message may come from someone who speaks bluntly and without thoughtfulness, but don’t take it personally. What’s important is the message, not the messenger.
This can can also signify a youth who’s often intelligent, honest and endlessly curious. A person who’s analytical, with a brilliant intellect, and who can reveal the truth behind situations. Fair. Logical. Unemotional. Impulsive.
Additional meanings – a new challenge. A contract or agreement. Constructive criticism. Legal matters. Gossip
7 The Chariot - Archangel Metatron
Congratulations! This card signifies you have successfully balanced a difficult situation. Your ability to see both sides, take action and make decisions has garnered your respect, approval and gratitude. So bask in the joy of what you’ve accomplished.
Stay calm and grounded and be clear on what you are trying to achieve. Its important to show self control, determination and the ability to go the distance at this time. Exercise control firmly but calmly with other people.
This card can also mean self discipline, sheer willpower, a great leap forward, a promotion or award, travel or modes of transportation.Queen of Air
Your clear decision making abilities are needed right now. See through any hidden agendas. Its time to remove anything or anyone from your life whose presence no longer serves your greatest good. Still, try to see the underlying humor.
This card also signifies someone with incredible insight and perceptiveness with regard to situations and people. A person with a marvelous wit, a keen mind, and a forthright personality who doesn’t take life too seriously. A perfectionist, but not judgmental. An unmarried person. Independent. Experienced. Candid. Realistic.
Additional meanings – the need to clear out the clutter. Wisdom forged by real-life experiences. Stalled romance. Divorced individuals.
Seven of Fire
Stand your ground and don’t back down. You might need to defend your beliefs or decisions, and you will be successful. It’s important to assert yourself and go for what you want. There’s strength in adversity and you’ve got what it takes. Stand up for your convictions!
Stay alert and be vigilant. Don’t drop your guard just because you’re in the right. Others may envy what you possess.
Additional meanings – choosing your battles wisely. Learning to say no. Self-confidence. Courage. Challenging those in power. Perseverance.
0 The Dreamer - Archangel Metatron
The angels brought you this card because you are entering a new and exciting phase of your life! Its important that you believe in yourself and know that the benevolent Universe wants you to succeed. Now is the time for faith and commitment to your dreams! Take any necessary steps to move forward with confidence.
Listen to your own inner guidance about following your dreams, but be open to information from others regarding the detailed steps to take. You may need additional input or guidance from an export before proceeding, but don’t let this stall you! Actively seek the insight you need.
Additional meanings – Leaps of faith. Creative solutions. Unexpected opportunities. Asserting your independence. The need for optimistic approached to challenges.
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17 The Star - Archangel Jophiel
Go Ahead, wish upon a star! The angels say you have every reason to feel hope and happy expectation! Believe in your dreams; and look to your future with optimism, excitement, and confidence. Challenging times are now behind you, and brighter times are ahead.
Make your plans with the long view in mind. Now is the time to envision your life the way you want it to be and to take action in that direction. The expectations you create for yourself are planted in fertile soil. Trust and follow your intuition, as it’s right on target.
Additional meanings – Faith, a sense of purpose. A prosperous new beginning. Being on the right path.
Seven of Earth
The fruits of your labors continue to grow, and harvest is imminent. Patience is essential as you pause to plan your next steps. You may feel you have far to go, but don’t forget how far you’ve already come. Review and acknowledge your progress from a broader perspective.
Anxiety regarding your current situation is unfounded. Any halt in forward movement is temporary. This is a good time to rest or vacation to recharge your batteries.
Additional meanings – perseverance. Reaching a milestone. Considering a new approach. Unnecessary Worry.
Six of Air
Things are looking up, and the worst is now behind you! There’s finally light at the end of the tunnel, and stress and strain fade from your life.
The winds of change are blowing – and its a favourable wind. This is a good time for making changes in your career, home and your outlook.
Additional meanings – a trip. The end of depression or an illness. The resolution of conflict. Leaving and moving on.
Ten of Earth
Abundance and financial security are at hand. You’ve established a lasting foundation of success in business. With this success comes feelings of freedom. Material comforts, satisfaction in your accomplishments, and the capacity to enjoy yourself are now or soon will be yours. Still its important to appreciate the little things in life.
Your family life is strong and peaceful. This may include your blood relatives or chosen family or a community of people. You draw great comfort those around you and know that you’ve been extremely blessed.Additional meanings – Happiness. Inheritance. Passing on knowledge. A sense of completion
4 The Emperor - Archangel Michael
Its important to cultivate logic, discipline, and order right now. This card signifies that although your dreams are valid and sound, they still need guidelines and organization so that they can manifest properly. Create a detailed plan for how you’ll proceed and maintain kind but authoritative control over how that plan is implemented.
Feel empowered to take a leadership role in your career and any projects you’re working on. Structure and order are your friends as you move from the preparation stage into the execution of your plans. Believe in your plans to be a diplomatic and positive leader. Get organized so that you can be more effective.
Additional meanings – desire to be a success, stability, making wise choices,government agencies, law enforcement, the respect of others, childhood.
3 The Empress - Archangel Gabriel
Your creativity and hard work are bringing you great rewards, according this this card. You have the Midas touch right now, so anything you nurture and give your loving attention to will flourish. Marriage, children, and issues involving motherhood and creativity are positively affected now. Whether you’re trying to give birth to a child, nurture life into plants or pets, or help a new project or business to grow, your creative endeavors will be successful.
Enjoy the beautiful things in life, knowing that you deserve to be wonderfully provided for. Take excellent care of your body with massage; yoga; or anything that makes you feel healthy, vibrant and luxurious.
Additional meanings: abundance, spending time in nature. Indulging in creative and artistic projects. Loving and nurturing yourself or others. A time of excellent emotional or physical health.