Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

What is a Chakra?

A chakra is a center of energy which is described as a spinning circle or “Wheel of Light”. The chakras are found in the etheric body and are linked to specific areas of the body. When a chakra becomes imbalanced the “wheel of light” doesn’t spinning correctly. This can affect the physical, emotional and spiritual […]

19 – The Sun

This card indicates that it’s a wonderful time for you!  You’re succeeding in ways you never dreamed possible! Endeavours that you begin now are blessed.

What is a Chakra?

A chakra is a center of energy which is described as a spinning circle or “Wheel of Light”. The chakras are found in the etheric body and are linked to specific areas of the body. When a chakra becomes imbalanced the “wheel of light” doesn’t spinning correctly. This can affect the physical, emotional and spiritual […]

19 – The Sun

This card indicates that it’s a wonderful time for you!  You’re succeeding in ways you never dreamed possible! Endeavours that you begin now are blessed.